The Lasallian Foundation 2024 Year in Review

Thanks to the financial support received from Lasallian schools in Australia and New Zealand, individuals, De La Salle Brothers communities and organisations, the Lasallian Foundation was able to provide funding for 39 projects, primarily in Pakistan, but also Papua New Guinea, Palestine (Bethlehem University), Kenya, India, Australia and Fiji. The distribution of the funds is shown in the diagram below.

Donations of varying sizes were received from 11 Lasallian schools in Australia and New Zealand, four organisations in Australia and overseas, one De La Salle Brothers community, and over 100 individual donors who donated both online and by bank transfers. Staff members in two Australian Lasallian schools contribute to a Workplace Giving Program that supports projects in Pakistan. In some cases, the donor requested that the donation be allocated to a specific project but in most cases the donation was able to be allocated to projects of most need.


The Lasallian Foundation receives more requests for funding than it can possibly meet. During 2024, the Foundation has prioritised projects that focus on safety, water and sanitation, classroom furniture, security, repairs and maintenance and basic educational infrastructure. Donations to Bethlehem University are used to provide scholarships for needy students.

Reflecting on the achievements of the Lasallian Foundation during 2024, the CEO, Brother Adrian Watson, highlighted the funding of projects which delivered clean and cool drinking water in seven Lasallian schools in Pakistan and PNG. It is hoped that a further three Lasallian schools in Pakistan will benefit from funding for water filtration and cooling projects during 2025.

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