PNG Lasallian Family

The PNG Lasallian Family office is located on the premises of LaSalle Technical College in Hohola, Port Moresby.

The National Coordinator organises and supports group leaders from 17 provinces to plan and facilitate a yearly program of formation and group events. The programs include the induction of new teachers in Lasallian educational institutions, professional development programs, teachers’ retreats, national and regional teachers’ conferences and workshops. The PNG Lasallian Family office supports and coordinates the work of Lasallian Volunteers, Lasallian Youth Ministry and the Lasallian Women of Hope and oversees the Lasallian Resource Centre in Wewak and the East Sepik Remote Teachers’ Project.

The Lasallian Mission Council, the Lasallian Foundation and its partners financially support the work of the PNG Lasallian Family as the teachers and volunteers who access and implement its services are poorly paid as teachers and can only contribute a fraction of the funding required to coordinate and implement the many services, events and materials provided.
