St. Joseph’s Boys Hostel, Gujranwala, Pakistan

St. Joseph’s Boys Hostel, Gujranwala, Pakistan. Wash Room Project

St. Joseph’s hostel is located in the city of Gujranwala in Punjab, Pakistan. Since 1965 It has provided boarding facilities for poor and vulnerable boys from both urban and rural areas to receive a quality Christian education at the nearby St Joseph’s High School. The De La Salle Brothers have been managing the hostel since 2020. Currently there are 50 boys aged between 8 and 16 years old who board at the hostel.

The major part of Punjab consists of farmland and farmers. Due to floods or droughts the farmers suffer and people often become displaced, placing further pressure on families to educate their children. Many of the children who attend school come from farming areas where their parents work for daily wages. The families are very poor and are unable to pay for their education. They need support and help to have basic facilities.   At present Pakistan is going through a severe economic and political Crisis. People are finding extremely difficult to manage their daily life peacefully.


At present a number of students take showers outside because of the dilapidated conditions of the washrooms inside. The toilets are in dire need of renovation, those within the main house building that can be used at night are often used for the sick children. 

 I would like to complete the renovation of the washrooms and toilets so the children can have basic living facilities and have easy access to go to the washrooms and toilets without any difficulties, day or night.  

 Br Naqash, Hostel Director


Indoor Washroom Facilities
Outdoor toilet block currently being used by students of the Hostel